Client Spotlight: Giverrang

Every day, we're privileged to work with exciting companies and startups all over the world. Their passion to build amazing, consumer-focused products energizes us, and we couldn't be prouder of the work we do to help passionate entrepreneurs create value for their target markets. In 2020, we're going to feature some of these clients on … Continue reading Client Spotlight: Giverrang

How to Target Your Consumer Survey

The first step with any consumer survey is to determine the target audience. Who should take this survey, and why? Imagine you're launching a new product---say, an app to help moms schedule their kids' school and extracurricular activities. It pulls in data from email, from Google Calendar, and syncs with the kids' school calendar to … Continue reading How to Target Your Consumer Survey

The Mirror: A Startup’s Worst Enemy?

Look in a mirror. What do you see? According to psychologists, it’s not what your friends see. In fact, human beings are predisposed to see ourselves in a certain way, regardless of the facts of our appearance. It’s called the mere exposure effect, and it was first discovered in 1977. It goes like this: All … Continue reading The Mirror: A Startup’s Worst Enemy?